ADRP 2024 Conference Terms, Conditions, and Policies

Please be sure to fully review all of the policies before registering for the conference. 

All ADRP 2024 attendees must acknowledge and abide by applicable policies.

Health and Safety:

Attendees must agree to the following statement; "I understand and agree that my registration and attendance at, or participation in, the ADRP Annual Conference constitutes an agreement by me to abide by the Health & Safety Policies for the duration of the conference. I will stay home if I discover I am sick prior to the conference and ADRP is not responsible if I catch any illness at or while traveling to/from the annual conference."

Cancellation Policy:

All cancellation requests received on or before Tuesday, August 20, 2024, will be issued a refund less a $75 processing fee. No refunds will be given thereafter except in the event of extenuating circumstances. Requests for registration cancellation must be submitted in writing via email to [email protected]. Substitute attendees will be permitted. Substitution requests must be in writing via email to [email protected]t no later than 7 days before the event starts.

ADRP Code of Conduct:

The Association of Donor Relations Professionals (ADRP) is committed to advancing a donor-centric, relationship-building philosophy within non-profit fundraising settings. ADRP provides education in these principles and the practices and techniques of donor relations, to prepare professionals to guide their organization in implementing and maintaining sound donor relations and stewardship program models.

All ADRP members will adhere to the Fundamental Principles outlined in the ADRP Ethics Statement and Donor Bill of Rights. In addition, ADRP members, vendors, sponsors, corporate partners, volunteers, speakers, and their guests will comply with the Statement of Professional Conduct at all times and especially when engaged with and/or on behalf of ADRP and its mission.

Examples of encouraged behavior that contributes to a positive environment include:

  • Using welcoming and inclusive language
  • Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
  • Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
  • Focusing on what is best for everyone at the event
  • Showing empathy toward other participants

We do not tolerate the following:

  • Spam (verbally or in chats), including saying or re-posting the same word/content repeatedly in order to disrupt the conversation
  • Harassment, bullying, and intimidation
  • Harassment and bullying are defined as:
    • Negative comments about race/ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, physical appearance, citizenship, or other protected categories
    • Intimidation or threats, including sharing images or text especially to threaten
    • Unwelcome sexual attention, including sharing images or text especially to sexually harass
    • Threatening or other endangerment of minors or any persons
    • Any activity meant to convey or cultivate hostility
    • Ad hominem insults or other attacks
    • Encouraging the above behavior